« Zoning districts

B3-1 Community Shopping District

Shopping centers, large stores, and retail storefronts, often along major streets. Allows more types of businesses than B1 and B2 districts. Apartments permitted above the ground floor.


Zoning Ordinance reference ยง 17-3-0104
View the Chicago Zoning Ordinance
Floor area ratio 1.2
Maximum building height 38 ft
Lot area per unit (density) 2,500 sq ft/dwelling unit, 2,500 sq ft/efficiency unit, no SRO units allowed
Minimum lot area
On-site open space N/A


Front yard None, unless property borders an R-zoned lot. Then the front setback must be at least 50% of the R lot's front setback. (See 17-3-0404.)
Side None, unless property borders an R-zoned lot. Then the R lot's front setback applies.
Back yard If property has dwelling units, minimum of 30 ft. If its rear property line borders the side property line of an R-zoned lot, the rear setback must equal the side setback of the R-zoned lot. If rear line borders the R lot's rear line, setback must be at least 16 ft.